nicole teague obituary
Nicole Rolin Teague
final stage IIIc platinum-resistant ovarian cancer
Diagnosed at age 34
Hi, I'grand Nicole. I'm a mother of 2 beautiful girls, Molly and Evangeline, and married to the man of my dreams, Matthew.
In September 2012, I was having trouble going to the bath. I went to my doctor who passed me on to a specialist "just in case." The specialist decided to perform a colonoscopy "merely in example." Their thoroughness lead to an unbelievable discovery-a big tumor had invaded my colon. The post-obit day I had surgery to remove it. I awoke in a haze to the about terrifying and heart-breaking news: the surgeon had discovered that my abdomen was full of cancer and my uterus, ovaries, appendix, omentum and part of my colon had been removed. It was stage IIIc ovarian cancer.
The twelvemonth that has followed has been a whirlwind. I began chemotherapy in October and in training for losing my hair, I cut information technology extremely short. I would've never had the guts to endeavor it on my ain, but it was surprisingly cool! When information technology started to autumn out, my hubby shaved it into a mohawk-so much fun!!
In January I had another major surgery and the chemotherapy that followed was the hardest time of my entire life. When you have ovarian cancer, the best chemo treatment isn't only injected into your veins, only pumped directly into your abdomen. This is extremely painful and makes y'all incredibly ill. Along with expected things like intense weakness and nausea, came numb hands and feet, loss of hearing and vision at times and a feeling that my torso was on burn down. I told my husband that I didn't know a person could be in this much pain and alive. It was atrocious. I would cry before every treatment, not wanting to suffer information technology, merely knowing that it was my best shot at life-it was for my family.
A shimmer of low-cal appeared in late April. My cancer marker was in the normal range. Information technology was remission. We historic with a massive "No more chemo" political party. I started to recover from the attack chemo had brought against my body. Nosotros rejoiced, but information technology was brusk-lived. Equally May began to fade into June, I had another major surgery. That'southward when it was discovered: the cancer was back and probably had never left. This meant that it was "platinum-resistant," meaning that the most successful chemotherapies had non worked. The doctor lovingly told u.s. that he didn't look me to be hither in two years. I was terminal. I was completely devastated.
The post-obit weeks were a chaos of depression, medicines and doctor visits, only a glimmer of joy shown through. People pulled shut. Friends and family unit upheld us all around. As they had when this all started, nosotros nosotros loved through food, help with chores and our girls, cards and other words of encouragement. To say that our church family has blessed us would be understating the immense amount of love nosotros have been given.
I expect back at the last year of strife and hardship and know what got me through-the care of those who love us, my incredible love for my girls and my strong faith in God. I may not understand information technology, but I believe He has a purpose in all this, and that's a freeing affair. Knowing your life has a deadline has given me a gift: to dearest fully and make the most of every moment that I'm blessed with.
To that note, here's a bucket list I'yard working on-it grows every day:
Saucepan List items that are finished:
Jump in the town fountain (with nigh 100 friends)-check
Accept red pilus-check
Acquire cello-working on information technology
Visit Big Sur-check
Leap off something into water-check
Skinny dip-check (lol)
Pigment graffiti span in Pensacola-Check
Ride in a cop machineTake a ride on Panini Pete'southward segway in Fairhope
Tape a cd
Notwithstanding to do:
Visit Machu Picchu
Participate in a flash mob
Visit Spain for the tomato plant throwing festival
Own an orangish muscle motorcar that honks "Dixie" like the Full general Lee
Sing with a favorite band
All content is property of Lyn Taylor Photography
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